Enrich Alerts with Bash ScriptsΒΆ

Robusta can add extra context to your Prometheus alerts, so you can respond to alerts faster.

In this tutorial, you will enrich an alert by running a bash script automatically.


When the CPUThrottlingHigh alert fires we can run ps aux to see which process has high CPU.

Add the following YAML to the customPlaybooks Helm value and update Robusta:

- triggers:
  - on_prometheus_alert:
      alert_name: CPUThrottlingHigh
  - node_bash_enricher:
      bash_command: ps aux | head -n 5


Trigger the alert we defined by deploying a Pod that consumes a lot of CPU:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robusta-dev/kubernetes-demos/main/cpu_throttling/throttling.yaml

Sample AlertΒΆ

Further ReadingΒΆ