
Robusta can report issues and events in your Kubernetes cluster to Telegram conversations.


Tables are sent as file attachments to Telegram because it's too big for most Telegram chat clients.

In addition, 2-way interactivity (CallbackBlock) isn't implemented yet.

Getting your Bot tokenΒΆ

Follow the instructions here to create a new Bot, and get your Bot token.

Obtaining your Chat idΒΆ

Before using the sink, you must first start the conversation with your Bot. (Locate your Bot in your Telegram app, and start the conversation)

If you want to send messages to a group, add the created Bot to your group (new or existing) and give the Bot the following group permissions: Send Messages, Send Media, Send Stickers and GIFs

Next, we will need to obtain the chat id. Checkout this post to find out how.

Getting your Thread idΒΆ

You can configure Robusta to send alerts to a specific message thread (topic) if your group chat has them enabled. To do this you need to: 1. Obtain the thread id by copying a link to the topic (Topic Info - Copy Topic Link in the desktop client). The number after the last forward slash is the thread id. 2. Pass the thread id to the Telegram sink via the thread_id parameter in the sink configuration.

Configuring the Telegram sinkΒΆ

Now we're ready to configure the Telegram sink.

Add this to your generated_values.yaml

- telegram_sink:
    name: personal_telegram sink
    bot_token: <YOUR BOT TOKEN>
    chat_id: <CHAT ID>
    thread_id: <THREAD ID> # Optional thread (topic) ID


If you don't want Robusta to send file attachments, set send_files to False under your Telegram sink. (True by default)

Save the file and run

 helm upgrade robusta robusta/robusta --values=generated_values.yaml

You should now get playbooks results in Telegram!