
Robusta can automatically open and (optionally) resolve Jira tickets, based on issues in your Kubernetes cluster.

To configure the Jira destination you need to have following:


  • url : The url of your workspace. For example: https://workspace.atlassian.net (Note: schema (https) is required)

  • username : The email you use to log into your Jira account. Eg: jira-user@company.com

  • api_key : Follow these instructions to get your api key.

  • project_name : Project you want the Jira tickets to be created in. Go to Project Settings -> Details -> Name.


  • The configured user should have the following permissions: write:jira-work, read:jira-work

Optional SettingsΒΆ

  • issue_type : [Optional - default: Task] Jira ticket type

  • dedups : [Optional - default: fingerprint] Tickets deduplication parameter. By default, Only one issue per fingerprint will be created. There can be more than one value to use. Possible values are: fingerprint, cluster_name, title, node, type, source, namespace, creation_date etc

  • project_type_id_override : [Optional - default: None] If available, will override the project_name configuration. Follow these instructions to get your project id.

  • issue_type_id_override : [Optional - default: None] If available, will override the issue_type configuration. Follow these instructions to get your issue id.

  • assignee : [Optional - default: None] Jira ID of the person that the issue is assigned to.

  • epic : [Optional - default: None] Jira ID of the epic that the issue is linked to.

Following optional settings only work for Prometheus alerts:

  • sendResolved : [Optional - default: false] If true, will transition a Jira issue to "Done" when the alert event contains a "resolved" status.

  • reopenIssues : [Optional - default: false] If true, will reopen a "Done" Jira issue when an alerts fire with the same fingerprint. If false, a new issue will be created.

  • doneStatusName : [Optional - default: 'Done'] The name of the "Done" status in Jira. Will be used to identify "Done" tasks in Jira.

  • reopenStatusName : [Optional - default: 'To Do'] The name of the "To Do" status in Jira. Will be used to identify "To Do" tasks in Jira.

  • noReopenResolution : [Optional - default: ''] The name of a target Jira resolution that, if present on a Jira issue, prevents Robusta from re-opening it. If this value is present, it makes Robusta ignore the reopenStatusName config.

Configuring the Jira sinkΒΆ

To avoid too many Jira tickets, it's recommended to use Sink Matchers to limit the number of created tickets.
In the example below, tickets will be created only for the CPUThrottlingHigh and KubePodCrashLooping Prometheus alerts.

Add this to your generated_values.yaml

  - jira_sink:
    name: personal_jira_sink
    url: https://workspace.atlassian.net
    username: username
    api_key: api_key
    dedups: (OPTIONAL)
      - fingerprint
    assignee: user_id of the assignee(OPTIONAL)
    epic: epic_id(OPTIONAL)
    project_name: project_name
        - identifier: [CPUThrottlingHigh, KubePodCrashLooping]

Save the file and run

 helm upgrade robusta robusta/robusta --values=generated_values.yaml

Try the example below to recieve an alert notification in Jira.

Test your Jira Prometheus IntegrationΒΆ

The command below creates a crashing pod which triggers the KubePodCrashLooping alert. This will cause a Jira ticket to be opened when using the above example.

 kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robusta-dev/kubernetes-demos/main/crashpod/broken.yaml


  • If creating issues by project_name or issue_type fails, try specifying the corresponding ids using project_type_id_override and issue_type_id_override. Check Optional Settings above for details.