
Robusta can send three types of data to PagerDuty:

  • Change Events - for example, when Deployments are updated

  • Enriched Prometheus alerts - Robusta receives alerts from Prometheus, correlates alerts with Pods logs and other data, forwards the result to PagerDuty

  • Standalone alerts - Robusta listens to the APIServer and sends PagerDuty errors like CrashLoopBackOff

Example Output:


You will need an integration key for a PagerDuty service:

  1. Login to your PagerDuty dashboard

  2. Navigate to Service > New Service (Top right)

  3. Input Name and Description and Tap on the Next button

  4. Choose Generate a new Escalation Policy or Select an existing Escalation Policy and Tap on next

  5. On the next screen input the configuration details

  6. On the Integrations screen, search for and select the integration "" and tap on the Create Service button in the bottom on the screen

  7. Copy the Integration Key. A sample key would look like: f6c6e02a5a1a490ee02e90cde19ee388

Configuring the PagerDuty sinkΒΆ

Sending Alerts to PagerDutyΒΆ

Add the following code to your generated_values.yaml. This will send all alerts Robusta receives - whether they originate in Prometheus or Robusta itself.

    - pagerduty_sink:
        name: main_pagerduty_sink
        api_key: <api key> # e.g. f653634653463678fadas43534506

Save the file and run

 helm upgrade robusta robusta/robusta --values=generated_values.yaml

Example Output:

To view the Alerts, on PagerDuty's dashboard navigate to Incidents > Alerts

Sending Kubernetes Changes to PagerDutyΒΆ

Add the following code to your generated_values.yaml file. This will send all changes to PagerDuty, in addition to the alerts mentioned above.

    - pagerduty_sink:
        name: main_pagerduty_sink
        api_key: <api key> # e.g. f653634653463678fadas43534506
   - actions:
     - resource_babysitter: {}
     - main_pagerduty_sink
     - on_deployment_all_changes: {}
     - on_daemonset_all_changes: {}
     - on_statefulset_all_changes: {}

Save the file and run

 helm upgrade robusta robusta/robusta --values=generated_values.yaml

To view the Changed Events, on PagerDuty's dashboard navigate to Incidents > Recent Changes


If you need help with the PagerDuty integration, get in touch with the Robusta team:

  1. Slack - link only works on desktop

  2. GitHub Issues

  3. Email -