
Robusta includes built-in actions to scan and get insights on Kubernetes clusters.

These actions can be triggered:

  • Automatically, on a schedule.

  • On demand, via the Robusta UI.

  • On demand, via cli command.

KRR - Prometheus-based Kubernetes Resource RecommendationsΒΆ

Robustas KRR is a CLI tool for optimizing resource allocation in Kubernetes clusters. It gathers pod usage data from Prometheus and recommends requests and limits for CPU and memory. This reduces costs and improves performance. By default, every instance of Robusta that's connected to the UI will run a KRR scan on startup. Further KRR scans can be triggered in the UI, and all scans can be viewed there.

With or without the UI, you can configure additional scans on a schedule. The results can be sent as a PDF to Slack or to the Robusta UI.

Krr scanΒΆ

Playbook Action: krr_scan

Displays a KRR scan report.

You can trigger a KRR scan at any time, by running the following command:

robusta playbooks trigger krr_scan

Add this to your Robusta configuration (Helm values.yaml):

- actions:
  - krr_scan:
      prometheus_additional_labels: 'cluster: ''cluster-2-test''env: ''prod'''
      prometheus_auth: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=
      prometheus_url: http://prometheus-k8s.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:9090
      prometheus_url_query_string: demo-query=example-data
  - on_schedule: {}

The above is an example. Try customizing the trigger and parameters.

custom_annotations (str dict)

custom annotations to be used for the running pod/job

prometheus_url (str)

Prometheus url. If omitted, we will try to find a prometheus instance in the same cluster

prometheus_auth (str)

Prometheus auth header to be used in Authorization header. If omitted, we will not add any auth header

prometheus_url_query_string (str)

Additional query string parameters to be appended to the Prometheus connection URL

prometheus_additional_labels (str dict)

A dictionary of additional labels needed for multi-cluster prometheus

add_additional_labels (bool) = True

adds the additional labels (if defined) to the query

prometheus_graphs_overrides (complex list)

each entry contains:

resource_type (str)
item_type (str)
query (str)
values_format (str)
serviceAccountName (str) = robusta-runner-service-account

The account name to use for the KRR scan job.

strategy (str) = simple
args (str)

Deprecated - KRR cli arguments.

krr_args (str)

KRR cli arguments.

timeout (int) = 3600

Time span for yielding the scan.

max_workers (int) = 3

Number of concurrent workers used in krr.

krr_verbose (bool)

Run krr job with verbose logging

krr_job_spec (dict)

A dictionary for passing spec params such as tolerations and nodeSelector.

This action can be manually triggered using the Robusta CLI:

robusta playbooks trigger krr_scan 

Taints, Tolerations and NodeSelectorsΒΆ

To set custom tolerations or a nodeSelector update your generated_values.yaml file as follows:

    - key: "key1"
      operator: "Exists"
      effect: "NoSchedule"
      nodeName: "your-selector"

Customizing Efficiency Recommendations in the Robusta UIΒΆ

You can tweak KRR's recommendation algorithm to suit your environment using the krr_args setting in Robusta's Helm chart.

Add the following config to the top of your generated_values.yaml with your custom values. KRR will use these values every time it sends data to the Robusta UI or other destinations.

If you are having performance issues, specifically with Prometheus using a lot of memory, reduce max_workers to reduce memory usage. KRR uses 3 workers by default.

  krr_args: "--cpu-min 15 --mem-min 200 --cpu_percentile 90 --memory_buffer_percentage 25"
  max_workers: 2

Common KRR Settings



Used for

Default value



Sets the minimum recommended CPU value in millicores.




Sets the minimum recommended memory value in MB.




The duration of the history data to use (in hours).




The step for the history data (in minutes).




The percentile to use for the CPU recommendation.




The percentage of added buffer to the peak memory usage for memory recommendation.




The number of data points required to make a recommendation for a resource.


Configuring KRR Job Memory Requests and LimitsΒΆ

To prevent the KRR job from OOMKill (Out of Memory), you can configure the memory requests and limits by adding the following environment variables to your generated_values.yaml file:

    value: "3Gi"
    value: "3Gi"

By default, the memory request and limit are set to 2Gi. Modify these values according to your requirements.

Popeye - A Kubernetes Cluster SanitizerΒΆ

Popeye is a utility that scans live Kubernetes clusters and reports potential issues with resources and configurations. By default, every instance of Robusta that's connected to the UI will run a Popeye scan on startup. Further Popeye scans can be triggered in the UI, and all scans can be viewed there.

With or without the UI, you can configure additional scans on a schedule as shown below.

- triggers:
  - on_schedule:
        repeat: 1 # number of times to run or -1 to run forever
        seconds_delay: 604800 # 1 week
  - popeye_scan:
      spinach: |
              - name: rx:kube-system
  - "robusta_ui_sink"

The results can be sent as a PDF to Slack or to the Robusta UI.


Other sinks like MSTeams are not supported yet.

Popeye scanΒΆ

Playbook Action: popeye_scan

Displays a popeye scan report.

You can trigger a Popeye scan at any time, by running the following command:

robusta playbooks trigger popeye_scan

Add this to your Robusta configuration (Helm values.yaml):

- actions:
  - popeye_scan: {}
  - on_schedule: {}

The above is an example. Try customizing the trigger and parameters.

custom_annotations (str dict)

custom annotations to be used for the running pod/job

service_account_name (str) = robusta-runner-service-account

The account name to use for the Popeye scan job.

args (str)

Deprecated - Popeye cli arguments.

popeye_args (str) = -s no,ns,po,svc,sa,cm,dp,sts,ds,pv,pvc,hpa,pdb,cr,crb,ro,rb,ing,np,psp

Popeye cli arguments.

spinach (str) = popeye:     excludes:         apps/v1/daemonsets:         - name: rx:kube-system         apps/v1/deployments:         - name: rx:kube-system         v1/configmaps:         - name: rx:kube-system         v1/pods:         - name: rx:.*           codes:           - 106           - 107         - name: rx:kube-system         v1/services:         - name: rx:kube-system         v1/namespaces:         - name: kube-system

Spinach.yaml config file to supply to the scan.

timeout (int) = 300

Time span for yielding the scan.

popeye_job_spec (dict)

A dictionary for passing spec params such as tolerations and nodeSelector.

This action can be manually triggered using the Robusta CLI:

robusta playbooks trigger popeye_scan 

Taints, Tolerations and NodeSelectorsΒΆ

To set custom tolerations or a nodeSelector update your generated_values.yaml file as follows:

    - key: "key1"
      operator: "Exists"
      effect: "NoSchedule"
    nodeSelector: "amd64"
      nodeName: "your-selector"


Popeye does not support arm nodes yet. If your cluster has both Arm and x64 nodes add "amd64" as a node selector to schedule Popeye jobs on the x64 nodes.

Troubleshooting PopeyeΒΆ

Popeye scans run as Jobs in your cluster. If there are issues with a scan, troubleshoot as follows:


  • To find errors with the Popeye job run:

kubectl get events --all-namespaces --field-selector=type!=Normal | grep popeye-job


  • Additional errors can sometimes be found in the Robusta runner logs:

robusta logs

Known issuesΒΆ

couldn't get resource list forΒΆ

This is a known issue, there is a working workaround, which involves deploying a dummy workload. Read more about it here.

exec /bin/sh: exec format errorΒΆ

At the moment, Popeye docker images are only compiled for linux/amd64 os/arch. This error suggests you are running the Popeye image on a different os/arch node.