Actions ReferenceΒΆ
Robusta can take many automated actions, in response to events in your cluster.
Built-in ActionsΒΆ
Custom ActionsΒΆ
Need to do something that the builtin actions don't cover? Write your own Robusta action in Python.
View example action (Python)
# this runs on Prometheus alerts you specify in the YAML
def my_enricher(event: PrometheusKubernetesAlert):
# we have full access to the pod on which the alert fired
pod = event.get_pod()
pod_name =
pod_logs = pod.get_logs()
pod_processes = pod.exec("ps aux")
# this is how you send data to slack or other destinations
MarkdownBlock("*Oh no!* An alert occurred on " + pod_name),
FileBlock("crashing-pod.log", pod_logs)