Embedded Prometheus StackΒΆ

Robusta can install an embedded Prometheus stack with pre-configured alerts.

It includes defaults alerts that we fine-tuned in advance, as well as prebuilt Robusta playbooks.

This option is highly recommended, but disabled by default, as many users already have Prometheus installed.

To customize the bundled kube-prometheus-stack, explore the chart values.yaml file.

Enabling the Embedded PrometheusΒΆ

Add to generated_values.yaml:

enablePrometheusStack: true

Apply the change by performing a Helm Upgrade.

Change the retention periodΒΆ

By default, Prometheus stores data for 14-15 days.

You can modify retention times in generated_values.yaml:

    retention: 15d #change the number of days here

Apply the change by performing a Helm Upgrade.

Grafana Persistent DataΒΆ

To allow the Grafana dashboard to persist after the Grafana instance restarts, you could add to generated_values.yaml:

# Customize settings
      enabled: true

Apply the change by performing a Helm Upgrade.


Encountering issues with your Prometheus? Follow this guide to resolve some common errors.