Grafana AlertManagerΒΆ

Grafana can send alerts to Robusta for automatic enrichment and visualization.

This guide only covers integrating alerts from Grafana Alerting with Robusta, not configuring Robusta to query metrics from the relevant Grafana data source.

After completing this tutorial, we recommend configuring a metrics integration according to the standard instructions for your metrics backend


  • A label in the following format cluster_name: YourClusterName added to each alert, with the cluster name as it appears in Robusta generated_values.yaml.

Send Alerts to RobustaΒΆ

This integration lets you send Grafana alerts to Robusta.

To configure it:

  1. In the Grafana UI, navigate to the Alerting tab, click on Add contact point, and select Webhook from the Integration options.

  1. Insert the following URL:
  1. Change the HTTP Method to POST in the Optional Webhook Settings.

  2. Enter your <account_id> <signing_key> in the Authorization Headers - Credentials box (locate this in your generated_values.yaml file).

    For example, if account_id: f88debc9-68b9-4c2a-e372-e948941518d2 and signing_key: be48413c-e23f-b648-c6b5-773739a377f7, then use f88debc9-68b9-4c2a-e372-e948941518d2 be48413c-e23f-b648-c6b5-773739a377f7 as the value.

  1. Click "Test" button. Select "custom" and add a cluster_name or cluster label to send a test alert (Robusta requires that every alert have the cluster_name or cluster label).

If successful, you will receive a notification in the Robusta UI, Slack or any other destination configured in Robusta, such as Microsoft Teams.

  1. Finally, click "Save contact point" to complete the Robusta integration.

Configure SilencingΒΆ

Modify and add the following config to generated_values.yaml and update Robusta.

globalConfig: # this line should already exist
    # add the lines below
    grafana_url: "https://<grafana url>"
    # Create alert silencing when using Grafana alerts
    grafana_api_key: <YOUR GRAFANA EDITOR API KEY>
    alertmanager_flavor: grafana # (1)

    # alertmanager_url: "https://alertmanager<url>"
    # prometheus_url: "https://prometheus<url>"

    # Add any labels that are relevant to the specific cluster (optional)
    # prometheus_additional_labels:
    #   cluster: 'CLUSTER_NAME_HERE'
  1. This is necessary for Robusta to create silences when using Grafana Alerts, because of minor API differences in the AlertManager embedded in Grafana.


The Grafana API key must have the Editor role in order to create silences.

You can optionally set up authentication, SSL verification, and other parameters described below.

Verify it WorksΒΆ

Open any application in the Robusta UI. If CPU and memory graphs are shown, everything is working.

Alternatively, trigger a demo OOMKill alert and confirm that Robusta sends a Slack/Teams message with a memory graph. This indicates proper configuration.

Optional SettingsΒΆ

Authentication HeadersΒΆ

If Prometheus and/or AlertManager require authentication, add the following to generated_values.yaml:

  prometheus_auth: Bearer <YOUR TOKEN> # Replace <YOUR TOKEN> with your actual token or use any other auth header as needed
  alertmanager_auth: Basic <USER:PASSWORD base64-encoded> # Replace <USER:PASSWORD base64-encoded> with your actual credentials, base64-encoded, or use any other auth header as needed

These settings may be configured independently.

SSL VerificationΒΆ

By default, Robusta does not verify the SSL certificate of the Prometheus server.

To enable SSL verification, add the following to Robusta's generated_values.yaml:

    value: "true"

If you have a custom Certificate Authority (CA) certificate, add one more setting:

  certificate: "<YOUR BASE-64 ENCODED DATA>" # base64-encoded certificate value