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Common ErrorsΒΆ

This list contains some common errors we have encountered over time.

Robusta CLI toolΒΆ

Errors installing the robusta cli config creation tool. Not relevant when using the Web Installation method.

command not found: robusta (CLI not in path)
  1. Determine where the Robusta-cli binary file is located

find / -regex '.*/bin/robusta' 2>/dev/null
  1. Add the path you found (e.g /opt/homebrew/bin/) to your PATH. To do so, find your shell config file ( ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc etc...) and append the following:

export PATH="$PATH:<new-path>"
  1. Reopen the terminal or run:

source <your-shell-config-file>

Alternative Solution

Instead of modifying PATH, run Robusta commands via the python3 binary: python3 -m robusta.cli.main gen-config

SSL certificate errors on Mac OS

This implies a python package with certificates is missing on your system.

To fix it, run /Applications/Python 3.9/Install Certificates.command

For more info see:

Helm installation failsΒΆ

Problems when running helm install command or installing via GitOps.

unknown field in com.coreos.monitoring.v1.Prometheus.spec, ValidationError(Prometheus.spec)

This indicates potential discrepancies between the version of Prometheus you are trying to use and the version of the CRDs in your cluster.

Follow this guide for upgrading CRDs from an older version.

at least one sink must be defined

Verify sinksConfig is defined in your Robusta values file, with at least one sink like Slack, Teams or Robusta UI ("robusta_sink"). If it's your first time installing, the fastest solution is to start configue creation from scratch.

Error: UPGRADE FAILED: execution error at (robusta/templates/playbooks-config.yaml:9:7): At least one sink must be defined!

Robusta runner, Prometheus or Holmes failuresΒΆ

robusta-runner pod is in Pending state due to memory issues

If your cluster has 20 Nodes or less, set robusta-runner's memory request to 512MiB in Robusta's Helm values:

      memory: 512MiB
      memory: 512MiB
Prometheus' pods are in Pending state due to memory issues

If your cluster has 20 Nodes or less, set Prometheus memory request to 1Gi in Robusta's Helm values:

          memory: 1Gi
          memory: 1Gi

If using a test cluster like Kind/Colima, re-install Robusta with the isSmallCluster=true property:

helm install robusta robusta/robusta -f ./generated_values.yaml --set clusterName=<YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME> --set isSmallCluster=true
robusta-runner isn't working or has exceptions

Start by checking the logs for errors:

kubectl get pods -A | grep robusta-runner # get the name and the namespace of the robusta pod
kubectl logs -n <NAMESPACE> <ROBUSTA-RUNNER-POD-NAME> # get the logs
Discovery Error
2023-04-17 23:37:43.019 ERROR    Discovery process internal error
2023-04-17 23:37:43.022 INFO     Initialized new discovery pool
2023-04-17 23:37:43.022 ERROR    Failed to run publish discovery for robusta_ui_sink
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/src/robusta/core/sinks/robusta/", line 175, in __discover_resources
    results: DiscoveryResults = Discovery.discover_resources()
  File "/app/src/robusta/core/discovery/", line 288, in discover_resources
    raise e
  File "/app/src/robusta/core/discovery/", line 280, in discover_resources
    return future.result()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/", line 446, in result
    return self.__get_result()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/", line 391, in __get_result
    raise self._exception
concurrent.futures.process.BrokenProcessPool: A process in the process pool was terminated abruptly while the future was running or pending.

This error might be due to memory issues. Increase the memory request in Robusta's Helm values:

      memory: 2048Mi
      memory: 2048Mi
Error in Holmes: binascii.a2b_base64(s, strict_mode=validate)

If the Holmes pod fail to start, with this exception:

2024-09-20 15:37:57.961 INFO     loading config /etc/robusta/config/active_playbooks.yaml
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/", line 65, in <module>
    dal = SupabaseDal()
  File "/app/holmes/core/", line 38, in __init__
    self.enabled = self.__init_config()
  File "/app/holmes/core/", line 68, in __init_config
    robusta_token = self.__load_robusta_config()
  File "/app/holmes/core/", line 61, in __load_robusta_config
    return RobustaToken(**json.loads(base64.b64decode(token)))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/", line 88, in b64decode
    return binascii.a2b_base64(s, strict_mode=validate)
binascii.Error: Invalid base64-encoded string: number of data characters (21) cannot be 1 more than a multiple of 4

It's often because the Robusta UI Token is pulled from a secret, and Holmes cannot read it.

See Sinks Configuration Secrets to configure Holmes to read the token

Alert Manager is not workingΒΆ

Not getting alert manager alerts

Receiver url has namespace TBD


If you're using the Robusta UI, you can test alert routing by Simulating an alert.

AlertManager Silences are Disappearing

This happens when AlertManager does not have persistent storage enabled.

When using Robusta's embedded Prometheus Stack, persistent storage is enabled by default.

For other Prometheus distributions set the following Helm value (or it's equivalent):

# this is the setting in in kube-prometheus-stack
# the exact setting will differ for other Prometheus distributions
          accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]
              storage: 10Gi