Creating Playbook RepositoriesΒΆ

To deliver install custom actions into Robusta, you'll need to package them up. This is done with a git repository in a specific format.

What is a Playbook Repository?ΒΆ

A playbook repository is a directory with the following structure:



Do not use the directory name "robusta_playbooks". This name is reserved and using it will override the built-in Robusta playbooks

An example pyproject.toml would be:

name = "my_playbook_repo"
version = "0.0.1"
description = ""
authors = ["USER NAME <>"]

# if your playbook requires additional dependencies, add them here
#some-dependency = "^1.2.3"

robusta-api = "^0.14"

requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

The package name in your pyproject.toml (my_playbook_repo in the above example) must match the name of the inner playbooks directory.

If your playbook requires additional python dependencies, list those in your pyproject.toml file and Robusta will install them with your playbooks repository.

Next StepsΒΆ

Now that you've created a playbook repository, load it into Robusta.