Route By NamespaceΒΆ

You can route alerts based on the Kubernetes namespace they relate to. This is ideal for organizations where different teams "own" specific namespaces.


  • At least one existing sink, such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, Discord, etc.

Setting Up RoutingΒΆ

Assume you have an existing sink:

- slack_sink:
    name: slack_app_sink
    slack_channel: app-notifications
    api_key: secret-key

By default, the sink will receive notifications for all namespaces.

Let's create a 2nd copy of the sink and change the Slack channel:

- slack_sink:
    name: slack_app_sink
    slack_channel: app-notifications
    api_key: secret-key
- slack_sink:
    name: slack_system_sink
    slack_channel: system-notifications
    api_key: secret-key

Now we have two sinks, both receiving all notifications.

The final step is to restrict notifications for each sink by adding scopes:

- slack_sink:
    name: slack_app_sink
    slack_channel: app-notifications
    api_key: secret-key
        - namespace: [app]

- slack_sink:
    name: slack_system_sink
    slack_channel: system-notifications
    api_key: secret-key
        - namespace: [kube-system]

Alerts will be now routed according to Kubernetes namespace.

Routing for many namespacesΒΆ

Using the above method, you can create one sink for each namespace.

If you have a large number of namespaces, there is an alternative method you can consider: you can define a single sink and set the channel dynamically according to alert metadata. See instructions for Slack or MS Teams.

Fallback for alerts without a namespaceΒΆ

The above example assumes that all alerts have namespace metadata. It is recommended that you setup a Fallback Sink to catch alerts that don't have a namespace.