Route Alerts By NamespaceΒΆ

Route alerts based on Kubernetes namespace. Ideal for teams that "own" specific namespaces.

This guide can be applied to all events passing through Robusta, including forwarded Prometheus alerts.


  • At least one existing sink, such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, Discord, etc.

Setting Up RoutingΒΆ

Assume you have an existing sink, in this case Slack:

- slack_sink:
    name: slack_app_sink
    slack_channel: app-notifications
    api_key: secret-key

By default, the sink will receive notifications for all namespaces. Let's duplicate the sink and change only the Slack channel:

- slack_sink:
    name: slack_app_sink
    slack_channel: app-notifications
    api_key: secret-key
- slack_sink:
    name: slack_system_sink
    slack_channel: system-notifications
    api_key: secret-key

We now have two sinks, both receiving all notifications. Restrict the notifications for each sink by adding matchers:

- slack_sink:
    name: slack_app_sink
    slack_channel: app-notifications
    api_key: secret-key
        - namespace: [app]

- slack_sink:
    name: slack_system_sink
    slack_channel: system-notifications
    api_key: secret-key
        - namespace: [kube-system]

Apply this final configuration using a Helm Upgrade.

Alerts will be now routed according to Kubernetes namespace. You can apply this method to as many sinks as you like.

Troubleshooting IssuesΒΆ

For this guide to work, alerts must be tagged with namespace metadata. Alerts without namespace metadata will be sent to default sinks (without namespace matchers) if they exist.

If you forward custom Prometheus alerts to Robusta (and don't use Robusta's builtin Prometheus alerts), make sure they have a namespace label. Otherwise this method will not work.