Remediate Using Bash CommandsΒΆ

Prometheus Alerts can be remediated by running bash commands on existing nodes or pods.

Run Bash Command on a Kubernetes nodeΒΆ

To run a command on a Kubernetes node (the node is chosen according to alert metadata) add the following to your Helm values file:

- triggers:
  - on_prometheus_alert:
      alert_name: SomeAlert
  - node_bash_enricher:
      bash_command: do something

Then do a Helm Upgrade.

Run Bash Command on a Kubernetes PodΒΆ

To run a command inside existing pods (the pod is chosen according to alert metadata) add the following to your Helm values file:

- triggers:
  - on_prometheus_alert:
      alert_name: SomeAlert
  - pod_bash_enricher:
      bash_command: ls -l /etc/data/db

Then do a Helm Upgrade.