Source code for robusta.core.reporting.base

import hashlib
import logging
import re
import urllib.parse
import uuid
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from urllib.parse import urlencode

from pydantic.main import BaseModel
from strenum import StrEnum

from robusta.core.discovery.top_service_resolver import TopServiceResolver
from robusta.core.model.env_vars import ROBUSTA_UI_DOMAIN
from robusta.core.reporting.consts import FindingSource, FindingSubjectType, FindingType
from robusta.integrations.kubernetes.api_client_utils import get_namespace_labels
from robusta.utils.scope import BaseScopeMatcher

class BaseBlock(BaseModel):
    hidden: bool = False
    html_class: str = None

class Emojis(StrEnum):
    Explain = "📘"
    Recommend = "🛠"
    Alert = "🚨"
    K8Notification = "👀"
    Video = "🎬"
    Graph = "📈"

class FindingSeverity(Enum):
    DEBUG = 0
    INFO = 1
    LOW = 2
    MEDIUM = 3
    HIGH = 4

    def from_severity(severity: str) -> "FindingSeverity":
        if severity == "DEBUG":
            return FindingSeverity.DEBUG
        elif severity == "INFO":
            return FindingSeverity.INFO
        elif severity == "LOW":
            return FindingSeverity.LOW
        elif severity == "MEDIUM":
            return FindingSeverity.MEDIUM
        elif severity == "HIGH":
            return FindingSeverity.HIGH

        raise Exception(f"Unknown severity {severity}")

    def to_emoji(self) -> str:
        if self == FindingSeverity.DEBUG:
            return "🔵"
        elif self == FindingSeverity.INFO:
            return "⚪️"
        elif self == FindingSeverity.LOW:
            return "🟡"
        elif self == FindingSeverity.MEDIUM:
            return "🟠"
        elif self == FindingSeverity.HIGH:
            return "🔴"

class FindingStatus(Enum):
    FIRING = 0
    RESOLVED = 1

    def to_color_hex(self) -> str:
        if self == FindingStatus.RESOLVED:
            return "#00B302"

        return "#EF311F"

    def to_color_decimal(self) -> str:
        if self == FindingStatus.RESOLVED:
            return "45826"

        return "15675679"

    def to_emoji(self) -> str:
        if self == FindingStatus.RESOLVED:
            return "✅"

        return "🔥"

class LinkType(StrEnum):
    VIDEO = "video"
    PROMETHEUS_GENERATOR_URL = "prometheus_generator_url"
    OPSGENIE_LIST_ALERT_BY_ALIAS = "opsgenie_list_alert_by_alias"

class Link(BaseModel):
    url: str
    name: str = "See more"
    type: Optional[LinkType] = None

    def link_text(self):
        if self.type == LinkType.PROMETHEUS_GENERATOR_URL:
            return f"{Emojis.Graph} {}"

        if self.type == LinkType.VIDEO:
            return f"{Emojis.Video} {}"


class EnrichmentType(Enum):
    graph = "graph"
    ai_analysis = "ai_analysis"
    node_info = "node_info"
    container_info = "container_info"
    k8s_events = "k8s_events"
    alert_labels = "alert_labels"
    diff = "diff"
    text_file = "text_file"
    crash_info = "crash_info"
    image_pull_backoff_info = "image_pull_backoff_info"
    pending_pod_info = "pending_pod_info"

class Enrichment:
    # This is the actual enrichment data
    blocks: List[BaseBlock] = []
    # General purpose rendering flags, that can be used by specific sinks
    annotations: Dict[str, str] = {}
    enrichment_type: Optional[EnrichmentType]
    title: Optional[str]

    def __init__(
        blocks: List[BaseBlock],
        annotations: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
        enrichment_type: Optional[EnrichmentType] = None,
        title: Optional[str] = None,
        if annotations is None:
            annotations = {}
        self.blocks = blocks
        self.annotations = annotations
        self.enrichment_type = enrichment_type
        self.title = title

    def __str__(self):
        return f"annotations: {self.annotations} Enrichment: {self.blocks} "

class FilterableScopeMatcher(BaseScopeMatcher):
    def __init__(self, data): = data

    def get_data(self) -> Dict:

    def scope_match_namespace_labels(self, attr_matcher, attr_value):
        return self.match_labels_annotations(attr_matcher, attr_value)

class Filterable(ABC):
    def attribute_map(self) -> Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, str]]]:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_invalid_attributes(self, attributes: List[str]) -> List:
        return list(set(attributes) - set(self.attribute_map))

    def attribute_matches(self, attribute: str, expression: Union[str, List[str], Dict, List[Dict]]) -> bool:
        value: Union[str, Dict[str, str]] = self.attribute_map[attribute]
        if isinstance(expression, str) or isinstance(expression, Dict):
            return Filterable.__value_match(value, expression)
        else:  # expression is list of values
            return any([Filterable.__value_match(value, single_exp) for single_exp in expression])

    def __value_match(value: Union[str, Dict[str, str]], expression: Union[str, Dict]) -> bool:
        if isinstance(value, str) and isinstance(expression, str):
            return bool(re.match(expression, value))
        elif isinstance(value, Dict) and isinstance(expression, Dict):  # value is Dict[str, str], expression is a Dict
            return expression.items() <= value.items()
            logging.error(f"Failed to evaluate matcher. Finding value: {value} matcher: {expression}")
            return False

    def matches(self, match_requirements: Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]], scope_requirements) -> bool:
        # 1. "scope" check
        accept = True
        if scope_requirements is not None:
            data = self.attribute_map
                data["namespace_labels"] = get_namespace_labels(data["namespace"])
            except KeyError:
                data["namespace_labels"] = {}
            matcher = FilterableScopeMatcher(data)
            if scope_requirements.exclude:
                if matcher.scope_inc_exc_matches(scope_requirements.exclude):
                    return False
            if scope_requirements.include:
                if matcher.scope_inc_exc_matches(scope_requirements.include):
                    return True
                else:  # include was defined, but not matched. So if not matched by old matcher, should be rejected!
                    accept = False

        # 2. "match" check
        invalid_attributes = self.get_invalid_attributes(list(match_requirements.keys()))
        if len(invalid_attributes) > 0:
            logging.warning(f"Invalid match attributes: {invalid_attributes}")
            return False

        for attribute, expression in match_requirements.items():
            if not self.attribute_matches(attribute, expression):
                return False
        return accept

class FindingSubject:
    def __init__(
        name: str = None,
        subject_type: FindingSubjectType = FindingSubjectType.TYPE_NONE,
        namespace: str = None,
        node: str = None,
        container: Optional[str] = None,
        labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
        annotations: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
    ): = name
        self.subject_type = subject_type
        self.namespace = namespace
        self.node = node
        self.container = container
        self.labels = labels or {}
        self.annotations = annotations or {}

    def __str__(self):
        if self.namespace is not None:
            return f"{self.namespace}/{self.subject_type.value}/{}"
        return f"{self.subject_type.value}/{}"

[docs]class Finding(Filterable): """ A Finding represents an event that should be sent to sinks. """ def __init__( self, title: str, aggregation_key: str, severity: FindingSeverity = FindingSeverity.INFO, source: FindingSource = FindingSource.NONE, description: str = None, # TODO: this is bug-prone - see subject: FindingSubject = FindingSubject(), finding_type: FindingType = FindingType.ISSUE, failure: bool = True, creation_date: str = None, fingerprint: str = None, starts_at: datetime = None, ends_at: datetime = None, add_silence_url: bool = False, silence_labels: Dict[Any, Any] = None, ) -> None: uuid.UUID = uuid.uuid4() self.title = title self.finding_type = finding_type self.failure = failure self.description = description self.source = source self.aggregation_key = aggregation_key self.severity = severity self.category = None # TODO fill real category self.subject = subject self.enrichments: List[Enrichment] = [] self.links: List[Link] = [] self.service = TopServiceResolver.guess_cached_resource(, namespace=subject.namespace) self.service_key = self.service.get_resource_key() if self.service else "" uri_path = f"services/{self.service_key}?tab=grouped" if self.service_key else "graphs" self.investigate_uri = f"{ROBUSTA_UI_DOMAIN}/{uri_path}" self.add_silence_url = add_silence_url self.silence_labels = silence_labels self.creation_date = creation_date self.fingerprint = ( fingerprint if fingerprint else self.__calculate_fingerprint(subject, source, aggregation_key) ) self.starts_at = starts_at if starts_at else self.ends_at = ends_at self.dirty = False @property def attribute_map(self) -> Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, str]]]: return { "title": str(self.title), "identifier": str(self.aggregation_key), "severity": str(, "source": str(, "type": str(, "kind": str(self.subject.subject_type.value), "namespace": str(self.subject.namespace), "node": str(self.subject.node), "name": str(, "labels": self.subject.labels, "annotations": self.subject.annotations, } def _map_service_to_uri(self): if not self.service: return "graphs" if self.service.resource_type.lower() == "job": return "jobs" return "services"
[docs] def get_investigate_uri(self, account_id: str, cluster_name: Optional[str] = None): uri_path = self._map_service_to_uri() kind = self.service.resource_type if self.service else None if kind and kind.lower() == "job": params = { "account": account_id, "cluster": f'"{cluster_name}"' if cluster_name else None, "namespace": f'"{self.subject.namespace}"' if self.subject.namespace else None, "name": f'"{}"' if self.service else None, } else: params = { "account": account_id, "clusters": f'["{cluster_name}"]' if cluster_name else None, "namespaces": f'["{self.subject.namespace}"]' if self.subject.namespace else None, "kind": kind, "name": if self.service else None, "names": f'["{self.aggregation_key}"]' if self.aggregation_key else None, } params = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if v is not None} uri_path = f"{uri_path}?{urlencode(params)}" return f"{ROBUSTA_UI_DOMAIN}/{uri_path}"
[docs] def add_enrichment( self, enrichment_blocks: List[BaseBlock], annotations=None, suppress_warning: bool = False, enrichment_type: Optional[EnrichmentType] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, ): if self.dirty and not suppress_warning: logging.warning("Updating a finding after it was added to the event is not allowed!") if not enrichment_blocks: return if annotations is None: annotations = {} self.enrichments.append( Enrichment(blocks=enrichment_blocks, annotations=annotations, enrichment_type=enrichment_type, title=title) )
def __str__(self): return f"title: {self.title} desc: {self.description} severity: {self.severity} sub-name: {} sub-type:{self.subject.subject_type.value} enrich: {self.enrichments}"
[docs] def get_prometheus_silence_url(self, account_id: str, cluster_name: str) -> str: labels: Dict[str, str] = {"alertname": self.aggregation_key, "cluster": cluster_name, "account": account_id} kind: Optional[str] = self.subject.subject_type.value if kind == "node": pass else: if self.subject.namespace: labels["namespace"] = self.subject.namespace if self.silence_labels and self.silence_labels.get("service"): labels["service"] = self.silence_labels["service"] # In prometheus, job is related to the scrape target. # Kubernetes jobs are stored in job_name. if kind and kind = "job_name" if kind == "job" else kind labels[kind] = labels["referer"] = "sink" # New label added here should be added to the UI silence create whitelist as well. return f"{ROBUSTA_UI_DOMAIN}/silences/create?{urllib.parse.urlencode(labels)}"
@staticmethod def __calculate_fingerprint(subject: FindingSubject, source: FindingSource, aggregation_key: str) -> str: # some sinks require a unique fingerprint, typically used for two reasons: # 1. de-dupe the same alert if it fires twice # 2. update an existing alert and change its status from firing to resolved # # if we have a fingerprint available from the trigger (e.g. alertmanager) then use that # if not, generate with logic similar to alertmanager s = f"{subject.subject_type},{},{subject.namespace},{subject.node},{source.value}{aggregation_key}" return hashlib.sha256(s.encode()).hexdigest()