# TODO: add a KubernetesBlock for rendering Kubernetes object in a standard way
# Notes on how we define all the classes below:
# 1. We use pydantic and not dataclasses so that field types are validated
# 2. We add __init__ methods ourselves for convenience. Without our own __init__ method, something like
# HeaderBlock("foo") doesn't work. Only HeaderBlock(text="foo") would be allowed by pydantic.
import gzip
import itertools
import json
import logging
import textwrap
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
import hikaru
from hikaru import DiffDetail, DiffType
from hikaru.model.rel_1_26 import HikaruDocumentBase
from pydantic import BaseModel
from robusta.core.model.base_params import ChartValuesFormat
from tabulate import tabulate
except ImportError:
def tabulate(*args, **kwargs):
raise ImportError("Please install tabulate to use the TableBlock")
from prometrix import PrometheusQueryResult
from robusta.core.model.env_vars import PRINTED_TABLE_MAX_WIDTH
from robusta.core.model.pods import format_unit
from robusta.core.reporting.base import BaseBlock
from robusta.core.reporting.consts import ScanType
from robusta.core.reporting.custom_rendering import render_value
BLOCK_SIZE_LIMIT = 2997 # due to slack block size limit of 3000
[docs]class MarkdownBlock(BaseBlock):
A Block of `Markdown <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown>`__
text: str
def __init__(self, text: str, dedent: bool = False):
:param text: one or more paragraphs of Markdown markup
:param dedent: if True, remove common indentation so that you can use multi-line docstrings.
if dedent:
if text[0] == "\n":
text = text[1:]
text = textwrap.dedent(text)
if len(text) >= BLOCK_SIZE_LIMIT:
text = text[:BLOCK_SIZE_LIMIT] + "..."
[docs]class DividerBlock(BaseBlock):
A visual separator between other blocks
[docs]class FileBlock(BaseBlock):
A file of any type. Used for images, log files, binary files, and more.
filename: str
contents: bytes
def __init__(
filename: str,
contents: bytes,
:param filename: the file's name
:param contents: the file's contents
def is_text_file(self):
return self.filename.endswith((".txt", ".log"))
def zip(self):
self.contents = gzip.compress(self.contents)
self.filename = self.filename + ".gz"
except Exception as exc:
logging.error(f"Unexpected error occurred while zipping file {self.filename}")
def truncate_content(self, max_file_size_bytes: int) -> bytes:
Truncates the log file by removing lines from the beginning until its size is within the given limit.
# we don't want to truncate other files like images
if not self.is_text_file():
return self.contents
decoded_content = self.contents.decode("utf-8")
content_length = len(decoded_content)
if content_length <= max_file_size_bytes:
return self.contents
lines = decoded_content.splitlines()
byte_length_newline = len("\n".encode("utf-8"))
truncated_lines: List[str] = []
for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
line_content_length = len(line) + byte_length_newline
content_length -= line_content_length
if content_length <= max_file_size_bytes:
truncated_lines = lines[idx + 1 :]
return "\n".join(truncated_lines).encode("utf-8")
class EmptyFileBlock(BaseBlock):
Handle empty log files
metadata: dict = {}
filename: str
def __init__(
filename: str,
remarks: str,
metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
:param filename: the file's name
:param contents: the file's contents
metadata=metadata or {},
self.metadata["is_empty"] = True
self.metadata["remarks"] = remarks
[docs]class ListBlock(BaseBlock):
A list of items, nicely formatted
items: List[str]
def __init__(self, items: List[str]):
:param items: a list of strings
def to_markdown(self) -> MarkdownBlock:
mrkdwn = [f"* {item}" for item in self.items]
return MarkdownBlock("\n".join(mrkdwn))
# TODO: we should add a generalization of this which isn't K8s specific
[docs]class KubernetesDiffBlock(BaseBlock):
A diff between two versions of a Kubernetes object
diffs: List[DiffDetail]
old: Optional[str]
new: Optional[str]
old_obj: Optional[HikaruDocumentBase]
new_obj: Optional[HikaruDocumentBase]
resource_name: Optional[str]
num_additions: Optional[int]
num_deletions: Optional[int]
num_modifications: Optional[int]
kind: str
# note that interesting_diffs might be a subset of the full diff between old and new
def __init__(
interesting_diffs: List[DiffDetail],
old: Optional[HikaruDocumentBase],
new: Optional[HikaruDocumentBase],
name: str,
kind: str,
namespace: str = None,
:param interesting_diffs: parts of the diff to emphasize - some sinks will only show these to save space
:param old: the old version of the object
:param new: the new version of the object
num_additions = len([d for d in interesting_diffs if d.diff_type == DiffType.ADDED])
num_deletions = len([d for d in interesting_diffs if d.diff_type == DiffType.REMOVED])
num_modifications = len(interesting_diffs) - num_additions - num_deletions
resource_name = self._obj_to_name(old, name, namespace) or self._obj_to_name(new, name, namespace)
def get_description(self):
if not self.old:
return f"{self.kind} created"
elif not self.new:
return f"{self.kind} deleted"
return self.__updated_description()
def __updated_description(self):
length = 5
updated_fields = []
for diff in self.diffs:
if diff.path:
# Stripping any integer values like '0', '1', '2', etc. from the path array which denotes array
# indices. eg: ['spec', 'template', 'spec', 'containers', '0', 'image']
stripped_path = [path for path in diff.path if not path.isdigit()]
if stripped_path:
updated_fields_str = ""
if updated_fields:
updated_fields_str = f"\n ● Attributes: "
updated_fields_len = len(updated_fields)
if updated_fields_len < length:
updated_fields_str += f"{', '.join(updated_fields)}"
updated_fields_str += (
f"{', '.join(updated_fields[:length])} ... (and {updated_fields_len - length} more)"
return f"{self.kind} updated{updated_fields_str}"
def _obj_to_content(obj: Optional[HikaruDocumentBase]):
if obj is None:
return ""
return hikaru.get_yaml(obj)
def _obj_to_name(obj: Optional[HikaruDocumentBase], name: str, namespace: str = ""):
if obj is None:
return ""
kind = getattr(obj, "kind", "").lower()
obj_name = ""
if kind:
obj_name += f"{kind}/"
if namespace:
obj_name += f"{namespace}/"
return f"{obj_name}{name}.yaml"
[docs]class JsonBlock(BaseBlock):
Json data
json_str: str
def __init__(self, json_str: str):
:param json_str: json as a string
class TableBlockFormat(Enum):
vertical: str = "vertical"
[docs]class TableBlock(BaseBlock):
Table display of a list of lists.
Note: Wider tables appears as a file attachment on Slack, because they aren't rendered properly inline
:var column_width: Hint to sink for the portion of size each column should use. Not supported by all sinks.
example: [1, 1, 1, 2] use twice the size for last column.
rows: List[List]
headers: Sequence[str] = ()
column_renderers: Dict = {}
table_name: str = ""
column_width: List[int] = None
metadata: Dict[str, Any] = {}
table_format: Optional[TableBlockFormat] = None
def __init__(
rows: List[List],
headers: Sequence[str] = (),
column_renderers: Dict = {},
table_name: str = "",
column_width: List[int] = None,
metadata: Dict[str, Any] = {},
table_format: Optional[TableBlockFormat] = None,
:param rows: a list of rows. each row is a list of columns
:param headers: names of each column
if table_format:
self.metadata["format"] = TableBlockFormat.vertical.value
def __calc_max_width(cls, headers, rendered_rows, table_max_width: int) -> List[int]:
# We need to make sure the total table width, doesn't exceed the max width,
# otherwise, the table is printed corrupted
columns_max_widths = [len(header) for header in headers]
for row in rendered_rows:
for idx, val in enumerate(row):
columns_max_widths[idx] = max(len(str(val)), columns_max_widths[idx])
if sum(columns_max_widths) > table_max_width: # We want to limit the widest column
largest_width = max(columns_max_widths)
widest_column_idx = columns_max_widths.index(largest_width)
diff = sum(columns_max_widths) - table_max_width
columns_max_widths[widest_column_idx] = largest_width - diff
if columns_max_widths[widest_column_idx] < 0: # in case the diff is bigger than the largest column
# just divide equally
columns_max_widths = [
int(table_max_width / len(columns_max_widths)) for i in range(0, len(columns_max_widths))
return columns_max_widths
def __trim_rows(cls, contents: str, max_chars: int):
# We need to make sure that the total character count doesn't exceed max_chars,
# but if we cut off a row in the middle then it messes up the whole table.
# So instead remove entire rows at a time
if len(contents) <= max_chars:
return contents
truncator = "\n..."
max_chars -= len(truncator)
lines = contents.splitlines()
length_so_far = 0
lines_to_include = 0
for line in lines:
new_length = length_so_far + len("\n") + len(line)
if new_length > max_chars:
length_so_far = new_length
lines_to_include += 1
return "\n".join(lines[:lines_to_include]) + truncator
def __to_strings_rows(cls, rows):
# This is just to assert all row column values are strings. Tabulate might fail on other types
return [list(map(lambda column_value: str(column_value), row)) for row in rows]
def to_markdown(self, max_chars=None, add_table_header: bool = True) -> MarkdownBlock:
table_header = f"{self.table_name}\n" if self.table_name else ""
table_header = "" if not add_table_header else table_header
prefix = f"{table_header}```\n"
suffix = "\n```"
table_contents = self.to_table_string()
if max_chars is not None:
max_chars = max_chars - len(prefix) - len(suffix)
table_contents = self.__trim_rows(table_contents, max_chars)
return MarkdownBlock(f"{prefix}{table_contents}{suffix}")
def to_table_string(self, table_max_width: int = PRINTED_TABLE_MAX_WIDTH, table_fmt: str = "presto") -> str:
rendered_rows = self.__to_strings_rows(self.render_rows())
col_max_width = self.__calc_max_width(self.headers, rendered_rows, table_max_width)
return tabulate(
def render_rows(self) -> List[List]:
if self.column_renderers is None:
return self.rows
new_rows = deepcopy(self.rows)
for column_name, renderer_type in self.column_renderers.items():
column_idx = self.headers.index(column_name)
for row in new_rows:
row[column_idx] = render_value(renderer_type, row[column_idx])
return new_rows
[docs]class KubernetesFieldsBlock(TableBlock):
A nicely formatted Kubernetes objects, with a subset of the fields shown
def __init__(
k8s_obj: HikaruDocumentBase,
fields: List[str],
explanations: Dict[str, str] = {},
:param k8s_obj: a kubernetes object
:param fields: a list of fields to display. for example ["metadata.name", "metadata.namespace"]
:param explanations: an explanation for each field. for example {"metadata.name": "the pods name"}
if explanations:
rows = [[f, k8s_obj.object_at_path(f.split(".")), explanations.get(f, "")] for f in fields]
super().__init__(rows=rows, headers=["field", "value", "explanation"])
rows = [[f, k8s_obj.object_at_path(f.split("."))] for f in fields]
super().__init__(rows=rows, headers=["field", "value"])
class CallbackChoice(BaseModel):
action: Callable
action_params: Optional[BaseModel]
kubernetes_object: Optional[Any]
class Config:
arbitrary_types_allowed = True
[docs]class CallbackBlock(BaseBlock):
A set of buttons that allows callbacks from the sink - for example, a button in Slack that will trigger another action when clicked
choices: Dict[str, CallbackChoice]
def __init__(self, choices: Dict[str, CallbackChoice]):
:param choices: a dict mapping between each the text on each button to the action it triggers
class LinkProp(BaseModel):
text: str
url: str
class LinksBlock(BaseBlock):
A set of links
links: List[LinkProp] = []
class PrometheusBlockLineData(BaseBlock):
legend: str
value: Any
class PrometheusBlock(BaseBlock):
Formatted prometheus query results with metadata
data: PrometheusQueryResult
metadata: Dict[str, str]
vertical_lines: Optional[List[PrometheusBlockLineData]]
horizontal_lines: Optional[List[PrometheusBlockLineData]]
y_axis_type: Optional[ChartValuesFormat]
graph_name: Optional[str]
class Config:
arbitrary_types_allowed = True
def __init__(
data: PrometheusQueryResult,
query: str,
vertical_lines: Optional[List[PrometheusBlockLineData]] = None,
horizontal_lines: Optional[List[PrometheusBlockLineData]] = None,
y_axis_type: Optional[ChartValuesFormat] = None,
graph_name: Optional[str] = None,
metrics_legends_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
:param data: the PrometheusQueryResult generated created from a prometheus query
:param query: the Prometheus query run
metadata = {"query-result-version": "1.0", "query": query}
if metrics_legends_labels:
self.metadata["metrics_legends_labels"] = json.dumps(metrics_legends_labels)
def dict(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
obj_dict = super().dict()
obj_dict["y_axis_type"] = str(self.y_axis_type) if self.y_axis_type else None
return obj_dict
class ScanReportRow(BaseModel):
scan_id: str # UUID
scan_type: ScanType
kind: Optional[str]
name: Optional[str]
namespace: Optional[str]
container: Optional[str]
content: List[Any] # scan result data
priority: float
TableRow = Tuple[str, ...]
ScanTable = Dict[str, List[TableRow]]
class ScanReportBlock(BaseBlock):
title: str
scan_id: str # UUID
type: ScanType
start_time: datetime
end_time: datetime
score: str
results: List[ScanReportRow]
config: str
metadata: Dict[str, Any] = {}
def grade(self):
score = int(self.score)
if score >= 90:
return "A"
elif score >= 80:
return "B"
elif score >= 70:
return "C"
elif score >= 60:
return "D"
elif score >= 50:
return "E"
return "F"
def table_headers(self) -> List[str]:
raise NotImplementedError("table_headers property must be implemented in the subclass")
def table_data(self) -> ScanTable:
raise NotImplementedError("table_data property must be implemented in the subclass")
def table_widths(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
raise NotImplementedError("table_widths property must be implemented in the subclass")
class PopeyeScanReportBlock(ScanReportBlock):
def table_headers(self) -> List[str]:
return ["Priority", "Namespace", "Name", "Container", "Issues"]
def table_widths(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
return (10, 25, 25, 25, 65)
def table_data(self) -> ScanTable:
sorted_data = sorted(self.results, key=lambda x: x.kind or "", reverse=True)
groupped_data = itertools.groupby(sorted_data, key=lambda x: x.kind)
return {
or "": [
row.name or "",
row.namespace or "",
row.container or "",
for row in rows
for kind, rows in groupped_data
def level_to_string(level: Union[int, float]) -> str:
level = int(level)
if level == 1:
return "Info"
elif level == 2:
return "Warning"
elif level == 3:
return "**Error**"
return "OK"
def scan_row_content_format(self, row: ScanReportRow) -> str:
return "\n".join(f"{self.level_to_string(i['level'])} {i['message']}" for i in row.content)
class KRRScanReportBlock(ScanReportBlock):
def table_headers(self) -> List[str]:
return [
"CPU Request",
"CPU Limit",
"Memory Request",
"Memory Limit",
def table_widths(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
return (5, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 8)
def __format_krr_value(value: Union[float, Literal["?"], None]) -> str:
if value is None:
return "unset"
elif isinstance(value, str):
return "?"
return format_unit(value)
def __format_content_str(allocated: float, recommended: float, info: Optional[str]) -> str:
if allocated is None and recommended is None:
return "unset"
res = f"{KRRScanReportBlock.__format_krr_value(allocated)} -> {KRRScanReportBlock.__format_krr_value(recommended)}"
if info is not None:
res += f"\n({info})"
return res
def __parse_content(content) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
content_by_resource = {row["resource"]: row for row in content}
res = []
for resource in ["cpu", "memory"]:
for field in ["request", "limit"]:
row = content_by_resource.get(resource)
if not row:
# NOTE: We should always have a row for each resource,
# but if for some reason this is not true, add some value not to break the table
allocated = row.get("allocated", {}).get(field, "?")
recommended = row.get("recommended", {}).get(field, "?")
info = row.get("info")
res.append(KRRScanReportBlock.__format_content_str(allocated, recommended, info))
return tuple(res)
def table_data(self) -> ScanTable:
sorted_data = sorted(self.results, key=lambda x: x.kind or "", reverse=True)
groupped_data = itertools.groupby(sorted_data, key=lambda x: x.kind)
return {
or "": [
row.namespace or "",
row.name or "",
row.container or "",
for row in rows
for kind, rows in groupped_data
def __priority_to_severity(priority: Union[int, float]) -> str:
priority = int(priority)
if priority == 4:
return "**CRITICAL**"
elif priority == 3:
return "WARNING"
elif priority == 2:
return "OK"
elif priority == 1:
return "GOOD"
return "UNKNOWN"
class EventRow(BaseModel):
type: Optional[str]
reason: Optional[str]
message: Optional[str]
kind: str
name: str
namespace: Optional[str]
time: Optional[str]
class EventsBlock(TableBlock):
Table display of a Events, Persists the events on the Robusta Platform.
Note: Wider tables appears as a file attachment on Slack, because they aren't rendered properly inline
events: List[EventRow] = []
def __init__(
events: List[EventRow],
rows: List[List],
headers: Sequence[str] = (),
column_renderers: Dict = {},
table_name: str = "",
column_width: List[int] = None,
:param rows: a list of rows. each row is a list of columns
:param headers: names of each column
class EventsRef(BaseBlock):
namespace: Optional[str]
name: str
kind: str
class GraphBlock(FileBlock):
graph_data: Optional[PrometheusBlock]
def __init__(
filename: str,
contents: bytes,
graph_data: Optional[PrometheusBlock] = None,