Example Playbook

Robusta needs rules to tell it what to do. These rules are called "playbooks".

On this page, we configure a new playbook that monitors deployments. It will notify in Slack every time the number of replicas changes.

Enabling the playbook

Playbooks are configured with the customPlaybooks helm value.

  1. Add the following to generated_values.yaml:

- triggers:
    - on_deployment_update: {}
    - resource_babysitter:
        fields_to_monitor: ["spec.replicas"]
  1. Perform an upgrade with Helm to apply the new configuration

helm upgrade robusta robusta/robusta --values=generated_values.yaml

Seeing the Playbook in action

  1. Scale one of your deployments:

kubectl scale --replicas NEW_REPLICAS_COUNT deployments/DEPLOYMENT_NAME
  1. Check the slack channel you configured when installing Robusta:

If you setup Robusta UI, it will appear in the timeline of all alerts and changes:

You can click to see the diff:

How the playbook works

Every playbook configuration has three parts.


We chose on_deployment_update so our playbook runs every time deployments are updated


We chose Resource babysitter which is a builtin action. That action has a parameter fields_to_monitor.


We didn't configure any sinks, so output is sent to the default sink. This is usually Slack and/or the Robusta UI.

Further customization

Try changing the configuration to monitors changes to a deployment's image tag.