Custom playbook repositories

First read the the guide on writing playbook actions if you haven't already.

Creating your own playbook repository

A playbook repository is a directory with the following structure:


An example pyproject.toml would be:

name = "my_playbook_repo"
version = "0.0.1"
description = ""
authors = ["USER NAME <>"]

# if your playbook requires additional dependencies, add them here
#some-dependency = "^1.2.3"

robusta-cli = "^0.8.9"

requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

The package name in your pyproject.toml (my_playbook_repo in the above example) must match the name of the inner playbooks directory.

If your playbook requires additional python dependencies, list those in your pyproject.toml file and Robusta will install them with your playbooks repository.

Loading your own playbook repository

You can load your playbook in one of two ways:

  1. From a git repository, as described in the configuration guide

  2. Using robusta playbooks push

We'll describe the second option which is convenient for development. It allows deploying playbooks rapidly while you develop them.

First, enable persistent playbooks storage by setting the helm value in the Robusta's configuration file (generated_values.yaml):

playbooksPersistentVolume: true
helm upgrade robusta robusta/robusta --values=generated_values.yaml

Now use the Robusta CLI to load your repository:

robusta playbooks push ./my-playbooks-project-root

This copies the repository to a mounted persistent volume on the Robusta runner at /etc/robusta/playbooks/storage. The actions inside the repository are now loaded and ready for use.

Changing Robusta's default playbooks

Some users may want to change Robusta's default playbooks.

You can override the entire default playbooks package by loading another package with the name robusta_playbooks, or you can override a single action just by implementing and loading another action with the same name.

For example, if you want to override the resource_babysitter action:

  1. Create a playbooks package for your action.

  2. Create a new resource_babysitter action in one of the package files.

  3. Push the playbooks package:

robusta playbooks push ./my-custom-playbooks-package