
These are instructions for developing Robusta's core platform.

Most users are looking for the regular Installation or the documentation on Writing Playbook Actions. For developing Robusta itself, read on!

Installing Robusta in-cluster from source

  1. git clone the source code.

  2. Install skaffold and helm

  3. Run robusta gen-config and copy the result to deployment/generated_values.yaml

  4. Run skaffold run --tail, or skaffold run --tail -p apple-m1-dev if you're using Apple M1

Common errors

  • If you encounter an error like: "" is not a valid chart repository or cannot be reached then run:

helm repo add prometheus-community
  • If you're on Mac OS and receive errors about Pillow or libjpeg when running poetry install then run brew install libjpeg first.

  • If you encounter NotADirectoryError: [Errno 20] Not a directory while trying to debug, you may need to disable the Attach to subprocess option on your debugger.

For faster builds that are running on Google Cloud

  1. Install gcloud

  2. Run gcloud auth application-default login

  3. Now when you want to build:
    1. Run skaffold run -p gcloud-build

Running Robusta locally

A very convenient way to develop Robusta is to run it locally:

  1. git clone the source code

  2. Run ./


You must have a cluster with Robusta installed for this to work. The runner needs a configuration file to run and it extracts it from your existing cluster.

Additional tips: * If you want to develop playbooks locally, configure playbookRepos with a local path to your playbooks directory. * Your local runner wont incoming Kubernetes changes or Prometheus alerts. * For instructions on simulating Prometheus alerts, try poetry run robusta playbooks trigger --dry-run prometheus_alert alert_name=KubePodCrashLooping namespace=default pod_name=example-pod

Running Robusta cli locally

This is only necessary if you are developing features for the cli itself.

Using poetry

  1. git clone the source code

  2. poetry install

  3. poetry run robusta

Alternative method using pip

This method installs robusta into your global python environment

  1. git clone the source code

  2. pip3 install .

Running Tests

See tests/