Install with ArgoCDยถ

This tutorial installs Robusta with ArgoCD.


  • A Kubernetes cluster with ArgoCD

  • A generated_values.yaml file. Follow the Generate a Config tutorial to generate this.

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Preparing Robusta's configยถ

Prepare your generated_values.yaml file for ArgoCD:

  • If it's not already present, add clusterName: <YOUR-CLUSTER-NAME>

  • If installing on a test cluster like KIND, add isSmallCluster: true

Example generated_values.yaml:

clusterName: my_cluster_name # <- This is the line to be added
isSmallCluster: false        # <- Optional. Set this on test clusters to lower Robusta's resource usage.
  signing_key: xxxxxx
  account_id: xxxxxx
- slack_sink:
    name: main_slack_sink
    slack_channel: robusta-staging-alerts
    api_key: xxxxxx
- robusta_sink:
    name: robusta_ui_sink
    token: xxxxxx
enablePrometheusStack: true
enablePlatformPlaybooks: true
  sendAdditionalTelemetry: true

Secrets handling

Read this guide about Managing Secrets.

Configure ArgoCD in the UIยถ

Create a NEW APP in ArgoCD and fill in the following settings.

General settingsยถ

  • Application name: Your choice (e.g "robusta")

  • Project name: Your choice (e.g "default")

  • Sync Policy: Your choice (we recommend starting with Manual)

Source settingsยถ

Destination settingsยถ

  • To install robusta in the same cluster as ArgoCD, use the default https://kubernetes.default.svc option

  • Namespace: Your choice ("default" or "robusta" is recommended)

Here is a screenshot of all settings so far:

Directory settingsยถ

Change the "Directory" category to "Helm" by clicking the dropdown box.

Then paste the contents of generated_values.yaml into the values option.


Make sure you fill in values, not values files

Finish installingยถ

Click the create button. Then choose all and press the sync button.

Finally, run robusta logs from your cli and make sure there is no error.

Sync fails

On some Robusta versions, the sync might fail with โ€œprometheuses.monitoring.coreos.comโ€ is invalid: metadata.annotations: Too long: must have at most 262144 bytes.

To solve it, use the workaround proposed here.

Configure ArgoCD Declarativelyยถ

First generate a Helm values file for Robusta, as described above. Put it in a Git repository and push it.

Then create an Argo Application which references that values file:

kind: Application
  name: robusta
  namespace: argocd
    server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
    namespace: robusta
  project: default
    - chart: robusta
      targetRevision: <ROBUSTA VERSION - e.g. "0.10.31">
          # this refers to the repository defined below containing your value files
          # see
          - $values/values/robusta.yaml

    - repoURL: ""
      targetRevision: HEAD
      ref: values

For faster Kubernetes troubleshooting, add Robusta links to ArgoCD.

Add an annotation to each Kubernetes resource with Robusta's URL:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-deployment
  annotations: ""

Or link applications to their specific Robusta pages:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment #workload type
  name: my-deployment #workload name
  annotations: ""
What is the right Robusta URL for each application?

It's easiest to open the workload in RobustaUI and copy the URL from the browser.

You can also build the URL by hand. Edit the above URL, replacing:

  • default with the workload's namespace

  • Deployment with the workload type. Ex: StatefulSets

  • some-deployment with the workload's name. Ex: my-deployment

  • robusta-cluster-name with your cluster's name, as defined in the Robusta Helm value clusterName

For more details, refer to the Argo Documentation on External URLs.