What are Playbooks?ΒΆ
The Robusta Open Source is a rules-engine for Kubernetes, designed for monitoring and observability use cases.
In Robusta, rules are called playbooks. Every playbook consists of a trigger (e.g. a Crashing Pod, a Prometheus Alert, or some other condition) and one or more actions. Actions can enrich alerts, silence them, or remediate problems.
Conceptually, Robusta does three things:
Listens passively to various sources: Robusta monitors Kubernetes events, Prometheus alerts, and other sources to stay informed about your cluster's current state.
Actively collects observability data: When noteworthy events occur, Robusta actively gathers and correlates information such as logs, graphs, and thread dumps. All according to the playbooks defined in Robusta.
Sends notifications: Based on your preferences, Robusta notifies in sinks like Slack, MSTeams, and PagerDuty
To get a feel for playbooks, let's explore two examples:
Automatically Investigate a Prometheus Alert (Prometheus required)
Track Failing Kubernetes Jobs (No Prometheus required)
Example PlaybooksΒΆ
Automatically Investigate a Prometheus AlertΒΆ
is a Prometheus alert that identifies crashing pods. It normally looks like this in Slack:

While it's clear that a pod is crashing in the cluster, it's not obvious why. With Robusta, the same Slack alert is transformed into this:

Now the alert contains pod logs and rapid-response buttons like "Investigate" and "Silence".
This enhancement is implemented with 5 lines of YAML in Robusta:
- triggers:
- on_prometheus_alert:
alert_name: KubePodCrashLooping
- logs_enricher: {}
Here's how it works:
A Prometheus alert fires and is sent to Robusta by webhook
Robusta evaluates all of the
triggers that are currently loaded.If the alert name is
, there's a match and Robusta runs the above playbook.The Prometheus alert is mapped to a Kubernetes resources (in this case a Pod) using the alert's metadata.
All actions in the playbook execute - in this case, a single action called
is a builtin action that takes a Pod-related event as input and fetch logs. It also builds a notification message.The notification is sent to sinks according to global settings.
Do I need to write playbooks to use Robusta?
Nope, you can get started without writing any YAML. Robusta includes builtin playbooks covering dozens of problems seen on real-world clusters.
Track Failing Kubernetes JobsΒΆ
Robusta can generate alerts by listening to the APIServer, rather than just improving existing Prometheus alerts.
This is useful if you don't have Prometheus, and for cases when writing Prometheus alerts is awkward.
Lets notify in Slack when a Kubernetes Job fails:

Here is the Robusta rule that generates this notification:
- triggers:
- on_job_failure: {}
- create_finding:
title: "Job Failed"
aggregation_key: "JobFailure"
- job_info_enricher: {}
- job_events_enricher: {}
- job_pod_enricher: {}
In this example, the trigger was on_job_failure
. Robusta generated a notification using four actions:
- create the notification message itselfjob_info_enricher
- fetch the Job's status and attach itjob_events_enricher
runkubectl get events
and attach events related to this Jobjob_pod_enricher
find the latest Pod in this Job and attach its information
Should I generate alerts with Robusta or with Prometheus?
Robusta can respond to Prometheus alerts, or it can generate alerts itself. Most users mix and match these options, depending on their use case. Here are some guidelines:
Use Prometheus for alerts involving thresholds and time-series (e.g. Jobs running over 18 hours).
Use Robusta for alerts involving discrete events (e.g. Jobs failing).
That said, the choice is yours. Robusta is flexible and supports both approaches.