Robusta ΒΆ
: This toolset is enabled by default. You do not need to configure it. You can disable it if you want to but doing so may negatively impact HolmesGPT's ability to investigate issues.
By enabling this toolset, HolmesGPT will be able to fetch alerts metadata. It allows HolmesGPT to fetch information about specific issues when chatting using "Ask Holmes". This toolset is not necessary for Root Cause Analysis.
enabled: true
Update your Helm values (generated_values.yaml) with the above configuration and run a Helm upgrade:
helm upgrade robusta robusta/robusta --values=generated_values.yaml --set clusterName=<YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME>
The table below describes the specific capabilities provided by this toolset. HolmesGPT can decide to invoke any of these capabilities when answering questions or investigating issues.
Tool Name |
Description |
fetch_finding_by_id |
Fetches a robusta finding. Findings are events, like a Prometheus alert or a deployment update |