Flow Control

The Configuration Guide covers basic playbook definition. This page explains how playbooks interact with one another.


Every Robusta playbook has a list of Triggers and a list of Actions.

- triggers:
  - on_deployment_create: {}
  - on_daemonset_update: {}
  - my_first_action: {}
  - my_second_action: {}

For every incoming event, Robusta will run actions if any of the triggers match.

All the actions will be executed, according to the order specified in the configuration.

Execution order is the same as the configuration order. For example:

- triggers:  # playbook A
  - on_deployment_create: {}
  - my_first_action: {}
- triggers:  # playbook B
  - on_deployment_create: {}
  - my_second_action: {}

On the example above, playbook A will run before playbook B

Stop Processing

Any action can stop the processing flow if needed. No further actions will run.

This is how actions like node_restart_silencer work.

Only actions that appear after the current action will be stopped. This means, for example, that silencers must appear before other playbooks.