Embedded Prometheus Stack

Robusta can optionally install an embedded Prometheus stack with pre-configured alerts. Our goal is to provide defaults that are fine-tuned for low-noise and out-of-the-box integration with Robusta playbooks.

This feature is disable by default. If you would like to enable it then set:

enablePrometheusStack: true

We recommend you enable this if haven't yet installed Prometheus on your cluster.

The alerts are based on excellent work already done by the kube-prometheus-stack project which itself takes alerts from the kubernetes-mixin project.

Our alerting will likely diverge more over time as we take advantage of more Robusta features.

Prometheus retention period

Robusta UI uses Prometheus data for showing graphs. To keep storage usage low, Prometheus keeps the data only for 14-15 days.

To change how long Prometheus saves the data, set the retention in your generated_values.yaml file:

    retention: 15d

If you're not using the embedded prometheus stack, click here to learn more.

See also