AI AnalysisΒΆ

Robusta can integrate with Holmes GPT to analyze health issues on your cluster, and to run AI based root cause analysis for alerts.

Holmes can be installed with Robusta by adding enableHolmesGPT: true to the Robusta generated_values.yaml file.

When available, AI based investigations can be launched using the Ask Holmes button in Slack. The results will be sent back as a new message.

On the Robusta UI, clicking the Find Root Cause button will start an investigation and display its results.



Only GPT-4o is officially supported. We highly recommend using GPT-4o to get the most accurate results!

Update your helm values (generated_values.yaml file) with the following configuration:

enableHolmesGPT: true
  - name: ROBUSTA_AI
    value: "true"

Run Helm upgrade to apply the new values: helm upgrade robusta robusta/robusta --values=generated_values.yaml --set clusterName=<YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME>


The Robusta mode is available only when using the Robusta UI

Create a secret with your OpenAI API key:

kubectl create secret generic holmes-secrets --from-literal=openAiKey='<API_KEY_GOES_HERE>'

Then add the following to your helm values (generated_values.yaml file):

enableHolmesGPT: true
  - name: MODEL
    value: gpt-4o
  - name: OPENAI_API_KEY
        name: holmes-secrets
        key: openAiKey

Do a Helm upgrade to apply the new values: helm upgrade robusta robusta/robusta --values=generated_values.yaml --set clusterName=<YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME>

Go into your Azure portal, change the default rate-limit to the maximum, and find the following parameters:





Step-By-Step Instruction for Azure Portal

The following steps cover how to obtain the correct AZURE_API_VERSION value and how to increase the token limit to prevent rate limiting.

  1. Go to your Azure portal and choose Azure OpenAI

  1. Click your AI service

  1. Click Go to Azure Open AI Studio

  1. Choose Deployments

  1. Select your Deployment - note the DEPLOYMENT_NAME!

  1. Click Open in Playground

  1. Go to View Code

  1. Choose Python and scroll to find the ENDPOINT, API_KEY, and API_VERSION. Copy them! You will need them for Robusta's Helm values.

  1. Go back to Deployments, and click Edit Deployment

  1. MANDATORY: Increase the token limit. Change this value to at least 450K tokens for Holmes to work properly. We recommend choosing the highest value available. (Holmes queries Azure AI infrequently but in bursts. Therefore the overall cost of using Holmes with Azure AI is very low, but you must increase the quota to avoid getting rate-limited on a single burst of requests.)

Create a secret with the Azure API key you found above:

kubectl create secret generic holmes-secrets --from-literal=azureOpenAiKey='<AZURE_API_KEY_GOES_HERE>'

Update your helm values (generated_values.yaml file) with the following configuration:

enableHolmesGPT: true
  - name: MODEL
    value: azure/<DEPLOYMENT_NAME>  # replace with deployment name from the portal (e.g. avi-deployment), leave "azure/" prefix
    value: <API_VERSION>            # replace with API version you found in the Azure portal
  - name: AZURE_API_BASE
    value: <AZURE_ENDPOINT>         # fill in the base endpoint url of your azure deployment - e.g.
  - name: AZURE_API_KEY
        name: holmes-secrets
        key: azureOpenAiKey

Do a Helm upgrade to apply the new values: helm upgrade robusta robusta/robusta --values=generated_values.yaml --set clusterName=<YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME>

You will need the following AWS parameters:




Create a secret with your AWS credentials:

kubectl create secret generic holmes-secrets --from-literal=awsAccessKeyId='<YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID>' --from-literal=awsSecretAccessKey'<YOUR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>'

Update your helm values (generated_values.yaml file) with the following configuration:

enableHolmesGPT: true
  enablePostProcessing: true
  - name: MODEL
    value: bedrock/anthropic.claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620-v1:0  # your bedrock model - replace with your own exact model name
    value: us-east-1
        name: holmes-secrets
        key: awsAccessKeyId
        name: holmes-secrets
        key: awsSecretAccessKey

Do a Helm upgrade to apply the new values: helm upgrade robusta robusta/robusta --values=generated_values.yaml --set clusterName=<YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME>

Sinks Configuration SecretsΒΆ

Holmes uses the token used for the Robusta UI sink. If you're pulling this token from a secret:

  - name: UI_SINK_TOKEN
        name: my-robusta-secrets
        key: ui-token

- robusta_sink:
    name: robusta_ui_sink
    token: "{{ env.UI_SINK_TOKEN }}"

You should direct Holmes to use the same secret, and pass it as an environment variable named ROBUSTA_UI_TOKEN:

        name: my-robusta-secrets
        key: ui-token

Test Holmes IntegrationΒΆ

In this section we will see Holmes in action by deploying a crashing pod and analyzing the alert with AI.

Before we proceed, you must follow the instructions above and configure Holmes.

  1. Let's deploy a crashing pod to simulate an issue.

kubectl apply -f
  1. Go to the Timeline in and click on the CrashLoopBackOff alert

  1. Click the "Root Cause" tab on the top. This gives you the result of an investigation done by HolmesGPT based on the alert.

Additionally your alerts on Slack will have an "Ask Holmes" button. Clicking it will give you results in the Slack channel itself. Note that due to technical limitations with Slack-buttons, alerts analyzed from Slack will be sent to the AI without alert-labels. For the most accurate results, it is best to use the UI.

Adding Custom Tools to HolmesΒΆ

Holmes allows you to define custom toolsets that enhance its functionality by enabling additional tools to run Kubernetes commands or other tasks.

In this guide, we will show how to add a custom toolset to Holmes in your generated_values.yaml file.

Updating the Helm ValuesΒΆ

To add a toolset in Holmes, update the generated_values.yaml with the following configuration:

enableHolmesGPT: true
    - name: ROBUSTA_AI
      value: "true"
    # Name of the toolset (for example "mycompany/internal-tools")
    # Used for informational purposes only (e.g. to print the name of the toolset if it can't be loaded)
    - name: "resource_explanation"
      # List of tools the LLM can use - this is the important part
      # Name is a unique identifier for the tool
        - name: "explain_resource"
          # The LLM looks at this description when deciding what tools are relevant for each task
          description: "Provides detailed explanation of Kubernetes resources using kubectl explain"
          # A templated bash command using Jinja2 templates
          # The LLM can only control parameters that you expose as template variables like {{ resource_name }}
          command: "kubectl explain {{ resource_name }}"

toolsets: Defines a custom toolset, in this case, a resource_explanation, which allows Holmes to use the kubectl explain command to provide details about various Kubernetes resources.

Applying the ChangesΒΆ

Once you have updated the generated_values.yaml file, apply the changes by running the Helm upgrade command:

helm upgrade robusta robusta/robusta --values=generated_values.yaml --set clusterName=<YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME>

After the deployment, the custom toolset is automatically available for Holmes to use. Holmes will now be able to run the kubectl explain tool whenever required, allowing it to provide details about various Kubernetes resources.

Adding a tool that requires a new binaryΒΆ

In some cases, adding a new tool to Holmes might require installing additional packages that are not included in the base Holmes Docker image. This guide explains how to create a custom Docker image that includes the new binaries and update your Helm deployment to use the custom image.

Creating a Custom Docker ImageΒΆ

To install a non-standard binary (such as jq for JSON processing) or any additional Linux tool, you can create a custom Docker image that inherits from the main Holmes image and installs the required binaries.

Example Dockerfile to add jq:

FROM python:3.11-slim

ENV PATH="/venv/bin:$PATH"


COPY --from=builder /app/venv /venv
COPY . /app

# We're installing here libexpat1, to upgrade the package to include a fix to 3 high CVEs. CVE-2024-45491,CVE-2024-45490,CVE-2024-45492
RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y \
    git \
    apt-transport-https \
    gnupg2 \
    && apt-get purge -y --auto-remove \
    && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends libexpat1 \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Example of installing jq
RUN apt-get install -y jq

Build and Push the Custom Docker ImageΒΆ

Now, you will need to build and push the Docker image to your container registry.

Abstracted Instructions for Building and Pushing the Docker Image:

  1. Build the Docker Image: Depending on the tools and binaries you need, build the custom Docker image with the appropriate tag.

    docker build -t <your-registry>/<your-project>/holmes-custom:<tag> .

    Replace: - <your-registry>: Your Docker registry (e.g., for Google Artifact Registry). - <your-project>: Your project or repository name. - <tag>: The desired tag for the image (e.g., latest, v1.0).

  2. Push the Image to Your Registry: After building the image, push it to your container registry:

    docker push <your-registry>/<your-project>/holmes-custom:<tag>

    This ensures that the image is available for your Kubernetes deployment.

After pushing your custom Docker image, update your generated_values.yaml to use this custom image for Holmes.

enableHolmesGPT: true
  registry: <your-registry>/<your-project>  # Use your custom registry
  image: <image>:<tag>  # Specify the image with the tag you used when pushing the image
    - name: ROBUSTA_AI
      value: "true"
    - name: "json_processor"
        - command: "jq --version"  # Ensure jq is installed
        - name: "process_json"
          description: "A tool that uses jq to process JSON input"
          command: "echo '{{ json_input }}' | jq '.'"  # Example jq command to format JSON

Update the Deployment with HelmΒΆ

After updating your generated_values.yaml, apply the changes to your Helm deployment:

helm upgrade robusta robusta/robusta --values=generated_values.yaml --set clusterName=<YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME>

This will update the deployment to use the custom Docker image, which includes the new binaries. The toolsets defined in the configuration will now be available for Holmes to use, including any new binaries like jq.