Installation ################## The standard installation uses `Helm 3 `_ and the robusta-cli, but :ref:`alternative methods ` are described below. Configuring and installing Robusta takes 97.68 seconds on a 10 node cluster [#f1]_. You can also install on Colima or KIND. :ref:`Uninstalling ` takes one command, so go ahead and try! .. admonition:: Have questions? `Ask us on Slack `_ or open a `GitHub issue `_ We will now configure Robusta in your cluster. For this we need to install Robusta, and also connect at least one destination ("sink"), and at least one source ("triggers"). .. image:: ./images/robusta_motion_graphics_transparent.gif :align: center Creating the config file ------------------------------ 1. To configure robusta, the Robusta CLI is required. Choose one of the installation methods below. .. admonition:: Installation Methods .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PIP :name: pip-cli-tab .. code-block:: bash :name: cb-pip-install pip install -U robusta-cli --no-cache .. admonition:: Common Errors :class: warning * Python 3.7 or higher is required * If you are using a system such as macOS that includes both Python 2 and Python 3, run pip3 instead of pip. * Errors about *tiller* mean you are running Helm 2, not Helm 3 .. tab-item:: Docker :name: docker-cli-tab For **Windows** please use `WSL `_. * Download robusta script and give it executable permissions: .. code-block:: bash :name: cb-docker-cli-download curl -fsSL -o robusta chmod +x robusta * Use the script, for example: .. code-block:: bash :name: cb-docker-cli-example ./robusta version .. admonition:: Common Errors :class: warning * Docker daemon is required. 2. Generate a Robusta configuration. This will setup Slack and other integrations. We **highly recommend** enabling the cloud UI so you can see all features in action. If you’d like to send Robusta messages to additional destinations (Discord, Telegram etc.). See `Sink configuration `_. .. code-block:: bash :name: cb-robusta-gen-config robusta gen-config .. admonition:: Robusta on Minikube :class: warning We don't recommend installing Robusta on Minikube because of a recent issue with minikube. More details `here `_. .. admonition:: Robusta not in PATH :class: warning if you get "``command not found: robusta``", see :ref:`Common errors ` 3. Save ``generated_values.yaml``, somewhere safe. This is your Helm ``values.yaml`` file. .. admonition:: Installing on multiple clusters :class: important Use the same ``generated_values.yaml`` for all your clusters (dev, prod, etc..). There's no need to run gen-config again. Standard Installation ------------------------------ 1. Add Robusta's chart repository: .. code-block:: bash :name: cb-helm-repo-add-update-robusta helm repo add robusta && helm repo update 2. Specify your cluster's name and install Robusta using Helm. On some clusters this can take a while [#f2]_, so don't panic if it appears stuck: .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Standard :name: install-standard .. code-block:: bash :name: cb-helm-install-only-robusta helm install robusta robusta/robusta -f ./generated_values.yaml \ --set clusterName= .. tab-item:: Test clusters (e.g Kind, Colima) :name: install-test-clusters .. code-block:: bash :name: cb-helm-install-test-clusters helm install robusta robusta/robusta -f ./generated_values.yaml \ --set clusterName= \ --set isSmallCluster=true * Test clusters tend to have fewer resources. To lower the resource requests of Robusta, ``--set isSmallCluster=true`` is included. .. tab-item:: GKE Autopilot :name: install-gke-autopilot .. code-block:: bash :name: cb-helm-install-gke-autopilot helm install robusta robusta/robusta -f ./generated_values.yaml \ --set clusterName= \ --set kube-prometheus-stack.coreDns.enabled=false \ --set kube-prometheus-stack.kubeControllerManager.enabled=false \ --set kube-prometheus-stack.kubeDns.enabled=false \ --set kube-prometheus-stack.kubeEtcd.enabled=false \ --set kube-prometheus-stack.kubeProxy.enabled=false \ --set kube-prometheus-stack.kubeScheduler.enabled=false \ --set kube-prometheus-stack.nodeExporter.enabled=false \ --set kube-prometheus-stack.prometheusOperator.kubeletService.enabled=false * With GKE Autopilot restrictions, some components must be disabled when installing Robusta bundled with kube-prometheus-stack. .. note:: Sensitive configuration values can be stored in Kubernetes secrets. See `Configuration secrets `_ guide. 3. Verify the two Robusta pods and running with no errors in the logs: .. code-block:: bash :name: cb-get-pods-robusta-logs kubectl get pods -A | grep robusta robusta logs Seeing Robusta in action ------------------------------ By default, Robusta sends notifications when Kubernetes pods crash. 1. Create a crashing pod: .. code-block:: bash :name: cb-apply-crashpod kubectl apply -f 2. Verify that the pod is actually crashing: .. code-block:: bash :name: cb-verify-crash-pod-crashing $ kubectl get pods -A NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE crashpod-64d8fbfd-s2dvn 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 1 7s 3. Once the pod has reached two restarts, check your Slack channel for a message about the crashing pod. .. admonition:: Example Slack Message .. image:: /images/crash-report.png 4. Open the `Robusta UI `_ (if you enabled it) and look for the same message there. 5. Clean up the crashing pod: .. code-block:: bash :name: cb-delete-crashpod kubectl delete deployment crashpod Installing a second cluster --------------------------------- When installing a second cluster on the same account, there's no need to run ``robusta gen-config`` again. Using your existing generated_values.yaml and the new clusterName run: .. code-block:: bash :name: cb-helm-install-second-robusta helm install robusta robusta/robusta -f ./generated_values.yaml --set clusterName= # --set isSmallCluster=true .. admonition:: Where is my generated_values.yaml? If you have lost your ``generated_values.yaml`` file, you can extract it from any cluster running Robusta. In that case, ``clusterName`` and ``isSmallCluster`` may be already in ``generated_values.yaml``. Make sure to remove them before installing on the new cluster. .. code-block:: bash helm get values -o yaml robusta | grep -v clusterName: | grep -v isSmallCluster: > generated_values.yaml Next Steps --------------------------------- 1. Define your :ref:`first automation ` 2. Add your first :ref:`Prometheus enrichment ` .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#f1] `See this great video on YouTube where a community member installs Robusta with a stopwatch. `_ If you beat his time by more than 30% and document it, we'll send you a Robusta mug too. .. [#f2] AWS EKS, we're looking at you! Additional Installation Methods --------------------------------- .. dropdown:: Installing with GitOps :color: light Follow the instructions above to generate ``generated_values.yaml``. Commit it to git and use ArgoCD or your favorite tool to install. .. dropdown:: Installing without the Robusta CLI :color: light Using the cli is totally optional. If you prefer, you can skip the CLI and fetch the default **Helm values** from the helm chart: .. code-block:: bash :name: cb-helm-repo-add-show-values helm repo add robusta && helm repo update helm show values robusta/robusta Most values are documented in the :ref:`Configuration Guide` Do not use ``helm/robusta/values.yaml`` in the GitHub repo. It has some empty placeholders which are replaced during our release process. .. dropdown:: Installing in a different namespace :color: light Create a namespace ``robusta`` and install robusta in the new namespace using: .. code-block:: bash :name: cb-helm-install-robusta-custom helm install robusta robusta/robusta -f ./generated_values.yaml -n robusta --create-namespace Verify that Robusta installed two deployments in the ``robusta`` namespace: .. code-block:: bash :name: cb-get-pods-robusta-logs-custom kubectl get pods -n robusta .. dropdown:: Installing on OpenShift :color: light Run this command to give permissions to the Robusta pods: .. code-block:: bash :name: cb-oc-adm-policy-add oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z robusta-forwarder-service-account oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z robusta-runner-service-account Add additional configuration to your :ref:`Global config`: .. code-block:: yaml globalConfig: prometheus_url: "" prometheus_auth: "Bearer sha256~your-token-here" To get the prometheus URL, run: .. code-block:: bash oc -n openshift-monitoring get routes And find the route with the name ``prometheus-k8s``. To get the token run: .. code-block:: bash oc whoami --show-token We recommend using secrets to store the token. Read more about :ref:`Configuration secrets`.