Setup ################################################### These are instructions for developing Robusta's core platform. Most users are looking for the regular :ref:`Installation` or the documentation on :ref:`Writing Playbook Actions`. For developing Robusta itself, read on! Installing Robusta in-cluster from source ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. ``git clone`` the source code. 2. Install `skaffold `_ and `helm `_ 3. Run ``robusta gen-config`` and copy the result to ``deployment/generated_values.yaml`` 4. Run ``skaffold run --tail``, or ``skaffold run --tail -p apple-m1-dev`` if you're using Apple M1 Common errors --------------- * If you encounter an error like: ``"" is not a valid chart repository or cannot be reached`` then run: .. code-block:: bash helm repo add prometheus-community * If you're on Mac OS and receive errors about Pillow or libjpeg when running ``poetry install`` then run ``brew install libjpeg`` first. * If you encounter ``NotADirectoryError: [Errno 20] Not a directory`` while trying to debug, you may need to disable the ``Attach to subprocess`` option on your debugger. For faster builds that are running on Google Cloud ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Install `gcloud `_ 2. Run ``gcloud auth application-default login`` 3. Now when you want to build: a. Run ``skaffold run -p gcloud-build`` Running Robusta locally ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A very convenient way to develop Robusta is to run it locally: 1. ``git clone`` the source code 2. Run ``./`` .. note:: You must have a cluster with Robusta installed for this to work. The runner needs a configuration file to run and it extracts it from your existing cluster. Additional tips: * If you want to develop playbooks locally, configure ``playbookRepos`` with a local path to your playbooks directory. * Your local runner wont incoming Kubernetes changes or Prometheus alerts. * For instructions on simulating Prometheus alerts, try ``poetry run robusta playbooks trigger --dry-run prometheus_alert alert_name=KubePodCrashLooping namespace=default pod_name=example-pod`` Running Robusta cli locally ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is only necessary if you are developing features for the cli itself. Using poetry ---------------- 1. ``git clone`` the source code 2. ``poetry install`` 3. ``poetry run robusta`` Alternative method using pip ----------------------------- This method installs robusta into your global python environment 1. ``git clone`` the source code 2. ``pip3 install .`` Running Tests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See ``tests/``