Elasticsearch ######################### Robusta actions can run in response to `Elasticsearch/Kibana watchers `_ by using `Elasticsearch webhook actions `_. A common use case is gathering troubleshooting data with Robusta when pods write specific error logs. Robusta Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. The Robusta-relay must be enabled so that it can route Elasticsearch webhooks to the appropriate Robusta runner 2. The following variables must be defined in your ``generated_values.yaml`` file: .. code-block:: yaml globalConfig: account_id: "" # your official Robusta account_id signing_key: "" # a secret key used to verify the identity of Elasticsearch You do **not** define playbooks for Elasticsearch triggers in ``generated_values.yaml``. Instead the playbook is defined entirely on the Elasticsearch side. Example Elasticsearch Watcher ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following Elasticsearch Watcher configuration will trigger a Robusta playbook. Make sure you update ````, ````, and ```` in the emphasized line. These should match the Robusta Helm chart values. .. code-block:: json :emphasize-lines: 26,27,33 { "trigger": { "schedule": { "interval": "30m" } }, "input": { "simple": { "str": "val1", "obj": { "str": "val2" }, "num": 23 } }, "condition": { "always": {} }, "actions": { "robusta_webhook": { "throttle_period_in_millis": 0, "transform": { "script": { "source": """ return ['body' : ['account_id' : 'some_account', 'cluster_name' : 'gke_arabica-300319_us-central1-c_cluster-5', 'origin' : 'elasticsearch', 'action_name' : 'echo', 'action_params' : ['message' : 'Hello Robusta!'], 'sinks' : ['slack'] ], 'key' : 'very_secret']""", "lang": "painless" } }, "webhook": { "scheme": "https", "host": "api.robusta.dev", "port": 443, "method": "post", "path": "/integrations/generic/actions_with_key", "params": {}, "headers": {}, "body": "{{#toJson}}ctx.payload{{/toJson}}" } } } } .. note:: Most Robusta actions can be triggered in this manner. Try changing ``action_name`` and ``action_params`` above to trigger a different action