Jira ################# Robusta can open Jira tickets automatically based on issues in your cluster or Prometheus alerts .. image:: /images/jira_example.png :width: 1000 :align: center To configure the Jira sink you need to have following: Prerequisites --------------------------------- * ``url`` : The url of your workspace. For example: https://workspace.atlassian.net (**Note:** schema (https) is required) * ``username`` : The email you use to log into your Jira account. Eg: jira-user@company.com * ``api_key`` : Follow these `instructions `_ to get your api key. * ``project_name`` : Project you want the Jira tickets to be created in. Go to **Project Settings** -> **Details** -> **Name**. .. note:: * The configured user should have the following permissions: ``write:jira-work``, ``read:jira-work`` Optional Settings --------------------------- * ``issue_type`` : [Optional - default: ``Task``] Jira ticket type * ``dedups`` : [Optional - default: ``fingerprint``] Tickets deduplication parameter. By default, Only one issue per ``fingerprint`` will be created. There can be more than one value to use. Possible values are: fingerprint, cluster_name, title, node, type, source, namespace, creation_date etc * ``project_type_id_override`` : [Optional - default: None] If available, will override the ``project_name`` configuration. Follow these `instructions `_ to get your project id. * ``issue_type_id_override`` : [Optional - default: None] If available, will override the ``issue_type`` configuration. Follow these `instructions `_ to get your issue id. Configuring the Jira sink ------------------------------------------------ | To avoid too many Jira tickets, it's recommended to use :ref:`Sink Matchers ` to limit the number of created tickets. | In the example below, tickets will be created only for the ``CPUThrottlingHigh`` and ``KubePodCrashLooping`` Prometheus alerts. .. admonition:: Add this to your generated_values.yaml .. code-block:: yaml sinksConfig: - jira_sink: name: personal_jira_sink url: https://workspace.atlassian.net username: username api_key: api_key dedups: (OPTIONAL) - fingerprint project_name: project_name match: identifier: "(CPUThrottlingHigh|KubePodCrashLooping)" Save the file and run .. code-block:: bash :name: cb-add-jira-sink helm upgrade robusta robusta/robusta --values=generated_values.yaml Try the example below to recieve an alert notification in Jira. Test your Jira Prometheus Integration --------------------------------------- The command below creates a crashing pod which triggers the ``KubePodCrashLooping`` alert. This will cause a Jira ticket to be opened when using the above example. .. code-block:: bash :name: KubePodCrashLooping test kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robusta-dev/kubernetes-demos/main/crashpod/broken.yaml .. note:: * If creating issues by ``project_name`` or ``issue_type`` fails, try specifying the corresponding ids using ``project_type_id_override`` and ``issue_type_id_override``. Check Optional Settings above for details.