Robusta UI ################# Robusta can send Kubernetes errors and alerts to the Robusta UI. .. image:: /images/robusta-demo.gif :width: 1000 :align: center To configure Robusta UI, use our CLI to generate a token. Run: .. code-block:: cb-robusta-ui-sink-generate-token robusta integrations ui Configuring the Robusta UI sink ------------------------------------------------ .. admonition:: Add this to your generated_values.yaml .. code-block:: cb-robusta-ui-sink-config sinksConfig: - robusta_sink: name: robusta_ui_sink token: ttl_hours: 4380 .. note:: | **Inactive** Robusta clusters have a default 6 months **data retention** span (4380 hours). | To prevent short-lived clusters from fililng up the UI, you can remove clusters that haven't communicated for more than a few hours by setting ``ttl_hours = ``. Save the file and run .. code-block:: bash :name: cb-add-victorops-sink helm upgrade robusta robusta/robusta --values=generated_values.yaml **Example Output:** For full overview of Robusta UI features check our `home page `_. .. image:: /images/robusta-ui-example.png :width: 1000 :align: center